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Running Start

Washington State legislature allows qualified students to take courses at local community/technical colleges during their junior and/or senior year of high school through the Running Start program. Students can earn both college credit and high school credit at the same time. In order to qualify, a students needs to have a minimum of 10 credits and junior status as determined by the Issaquah School District, take and pass an assessment test at the college and complete an application to the college. 

Steps to Enroll in Running Start

Running Start News

Save the dates- Running Start Application Workshops!

For students applying for the 2025-2026 Running Start program that have questions or need some extra help navigating the application, The Skyline Counseling Center will be hosting monthly Running Start Application Workshops.  All workshops will take place in the College and Career Center at the following times:

Feb 26th- Wednesday during Flextime

March 12th- Wednesday during Flextime

April 8th- Tuesday during Flextime

May 14th- Wednesday during Flextime


Running Start Workshop Presentation

Recorded Running Start Information Session

ISD High School Counselors, in partnership with Bellevue College, held an informational webinar on Tuesday February 13th.  The meeting included information on eligibility requirements, credit and course expectations, and recommendations to be successful in the program. This meeting was recorded and is linked below. 




Running Start Presentations

Running Start Information Session for ISD Families

Skyline Running Start FLEX Info Session for students