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ASB and Class Council

ASB and Class Council

Skyline High School provides many opportunities for student involvement in co/extra-curricular programs, including activities, athletics and fine arts. As representatives of our school, students who participate in these programs are held to high expectations and standards. We expect ALL students to demonstrate excellent sportsmanship and be positive role models at ALL times. To be eligible for co/extra-curricular programs, students must purchase an ASB card, maintain passing grades, earn credit in all classes, and maintain a 2.0 GPA to participate in athletics, dance, ASB and cheer.

ASB Officers

The ASB officers are responsible for planning school-wide activities and supervising ASB funds. They meet during the Leadership for Officers class and is composed of elected ASB officers, appointed ASB officers, and elected class presidents and vice presidents. Elections and appointments are held in the early spring of each year. To hold an ASB leadership position, students must clear all fines, purchase an ASB card, have a cumulative 2.0 GPA, no failing grades, and agree to the oath of office governed by the constitution. Students may not hold more than one major office in student government and/or related activities simultaneously.

Class Council

Class Councils, one for each grade level, are established each year for planning class activities and fundraising. They are comprised of elected officers and appointed representatives and meet at least twice per month. Elections for 10th, 11th, and 12th grades are held each spring. Students may not hold more than one major office in student government and/or related activities. Requirements for office follow those for ASB leaders. Class councils, one for each grade level, are established each year for planning class activities, welcoming new students, working on school culture, and fundraising. Elections for all grades are held each spring. Students must follow the ASB officer requirements in order to be eligible for office.

ASB Cards

ASB Cards

ALL STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN ANY ACTIVITY SANCTIONED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY MUST PURCHASE AN ASB CARD TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THOSE ACTIVITIES. Most student activities, for example: newspaper, athletics, dances, assemblies, homecoming, etc., are financed by the Associated Student Body fund. The greatest single source of revenue for this fund is the sale of Associated Student Body Activity cards. Students can save in many ways with an ASB card. It provides free admittance to all home regular season athletic events and discounted tickets at away games. Students also can participate in countless other events at a discount, such as plays, dances, choir and band performances, etc. The card may be purchased from the Bookkeeper’s Office at any time during the year but get your card soon to get the most savings possible! If students purchase their ASB before ID cards are printed, the ASB indicator will be printed on the ID card. If the student waits to purchase ASB, they will need to get a sticker to add to their ID card. The price of the ASB card is $60.00. Scholarships are available for students who need support. Each student eligible to participate in the federal free and reduced-price meals program will have ASB fees waived. Please see your ASB bookkeeper, school admin, or school counselor for support.



Skyline High School is a member of the KingCo Conference, the SeaKing District, and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association. Our teams compete with other teams throughout the conference and state for league, district, and state honors. For students to participate in any athletic program or cheer/dance/drill, they must:

  • Complete online registration via FinalForms
  • Maintain academic eligibility per the athletic handbook
  • Purchase an ASB card 
  • Pay the District participation fee of (scholarships available)
  • Return to the coach all previous sports equipment/uniforms issued or pay for them

Students not meeting academic eligibility will receive communication from the athletics department about probation or suspension after each grade check time frame. Details are available in the athletic handbook.

Attendance Required for Both Athletics and Activities

Attendance Required for Both Athletics and Activities

A student is expected to be in attendance at all class periods of the day of a practice or event to participate in activities that afternoon or evening. If an athlete is not in all their classes, they cannot participate in practice or an event that afternoon or evening. This expectation applies to all activities, athletics and fine arts events. Participation may be denied for failure to comply with this policy. The only exceptions to this rule are: school related and approved absences (field trips), medical, dental, family emergencies, or legal appointments when appropriate written verification of the appointment from the provider has been submitted to the attendance office upon their return.



Skyline High School provides many opportunities for student involvement in co/extra-curricular programs, including activities, athletics and fine arts. As representatives of our school, students who participate in these programs are held to high expectations and standards. We expect ALL students to demonstrate excellent sportsmanship and be positive role models at ALL times. To be eligible for co/extra-curricular programs, students must purchase an ASB card and be academically eligible per program requirements.  Scholarships are available for students who need support. Please see your ASB bookkeeper, school admin, or school counselor for support.

Sport Offerings

Sport Offerings

Fall Winter Spring
Cross Country Basketball (B) Badminton (G)
Diving (G) Basketball (G) Baseball
Football Diving (B) Fastpitch
Golf Flag Football (G) Golf (G)
Soccer (G) Swimming (B) Soccer (B)
Swimming (G) Wrestling Tennis (G)
Tennis (B)   Track
Student Athletic/Activity Code

Student Athletic/Activity Code

The opportunity to participate in the interscholastic athletic/activity program is a privilege granted to all District students. Participants in this voluntary program are expected to conform to specific conduct standards established by the District, principals, athletic directors and coaches. All interscholastic activities and events shall comply with the rules of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA).

A student who is found to be in violation of any athletic/activity rules is subject to removal from the team. General conduct expectations and requirements for students participating in athletics/activities are found in Regulation 2151 and the Issaquah School District Athletic Handbook, copies of which may be obtained at any school or on the district website