The IB Diploma is a unique combination of rigorous IB courses, independent academic research, community engagement, personal development in physical and creative activities, and philosophical grappling with what it means to "know" something.
This is the oldest of the programs that IB offers, and it its recognized globally -- with many universities around the world offering direct admission if a student successfully completes the Diploma.
In order to receive a Skyline Diploma as an IB Diploma student, one must complete the following in grades 11-12:
Successfully complete a total of 6 IB courses: One IB course from each of the 5 core subject areas: English: Lang & Lit., World Languages, Social Sciences, Sciences, and Maths; and one IB course that is “free choice” – it may be from Fine Arts or any of the other IB subject areas.
Study an IB World Language (Language B) that is, in the words of IBO, “…a challenging educational experience for the student, offering not only the opportunity to learn an additional language but also the means of learning, appreciating and effectively interacting in a culture different from the student’s own.”
4 HL + 2 SL courses OR 3 HL + 3 SL courses.
Note: No IB exams allowed in grades 9 or 10. Students may only take a maximum of 2 exams (SL) during grade 11 and must take the remaining exams during grade 12. No HL or ab initio exams may be taken until grade 12.
Successfully complete the Theory of Knowledge course in grades 11 and 12.
Successfully complete an Extended Essay in the subject area of the student’s choice.
Successfully complete and document a two-year program of Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) during grades 11-12, verified by adult supervisors.
Sit for IB exams/successfully complete all other IB Assessments in all 6 subjects.
Pay fees associated with the programme:
$123 per test
Yearly ManageBac fee (approximately $20)
IB patch for Graduation stole (approximately $5)
Complete Northwest Studies if not completed prior to grade 11.
For each IB diploma course taken, the student must complete all internal assessments and receive a passing grade in the class.
If a student fulfills all the above requirements and sits for all exams in good faith, that student is considered to have met all Skyline High School graduation requirements. If students complete all of the above, they may receive a Skyline diploma even if they do not score high enough on their IB assessments to earn an IB Diploma.
Students are responsible for being aware of, and completing, college and university entrance requirements at schools to which they intend to apply.
All IB Diploma candidates are expected to fully comply with Skyline’s academic honesty policy throughout their time at Skyline. Any violation of the policy, as determined by teaching staff and administrators, could result in an F in a course and/or other school sanctions, including removal from the IB Diploma course of study.
Failure to complete all components of the IB Diploma in good faith AND to sit for the full IB Diploma will result in the nullification of any waivers and will require the student to complete all Issaquah School District graduation requirements.
If you would like a paper version of this agreement/contract to take notes on before submitting, it can be downloaded/printed HERE.
CAS is the non-academic component of the IB Diploma Programme. One main purpose of CAS is to develop a balanced life for students. While IBO promotes rigorous academic coursework, they also strive to impart to students that there is a life beyond books. CAS represents an opportunity for students to explore non-academic strengths and weaknesses, try out new activities and grow personally from goal-setting in a variety of endeavors over 18 consecutive months.
CAS Handbook (The source for all things CAS - What is it? How do I...? When is it...?)