IB Career Programme Pathway
The IBCP's flexible educational framework allows schools to meet the needs, backgrounds and contexts of students. Each school creates its own distinctive version of the IBCP.
Overall Requirements
- Pay fees associated with the programme:
- $123 per test
- ManageBac fee for IBCP Seniors (approximately $20)
- IB patch for Graduation stole (approximately $5)
- Take and pass (minimum IB exam score of a 3) a minimum of two (one being a two-year course) Diploma Programme courses (not including any IB courses included in the chosen Career Path).
- An IBCP core consisting of the following:
- Language development extension that suits one's needs, background, and context
- 50-hour community and service component completed and documented over 2 years beginning September of 11th grade and not before
- Reflective Project which will analyze, critically discuss, and evaluate an ethical dilemma associated with a particular career path
- Personal and Professional Skills course during 8th period second semester of junior year and during the school day first semester of senior year
- A two-year Career-related study (CRS) in one of the following areas:
Year One: Police Science/Forensics 1 and 2
Year Two: Criminal Justice 1 and 2
Year One: Sales and Marketing 1 or Sales and Marketing 2/Student Store
Year Two: IB Business and Management SL
Year One: Sales and Marketing 1
Year Two: Sales and Marketing 2/Student Store
Year One: IB Business and Management SL
Year Two: IB Business and Management HL
Year One: IB Business and Management SL
Year Two: IB Economics SL
Year One: Web Design and Intro to Computer Science or Intro to Computer Science (Python)
Year Two: IB Computer Science SL
Year One: IB Computer Science SL or Intro to Computer Science and Intro to Computer Science (Python)
Year Two: IB Computer Science SL or HL
Year One: Introduction to Engineering
Year Two: Mechatronics
Year One: Teaching Academy 1
Year Two: Teaching Academy 2
Year One: Intro to Sports Medicine, Advanced Sports Medicine: Evaluation, or Advanced Sports Medicine: Rehab
Year Two: Advanced Sports Medicine: Evaluation, or Advanced Sports Medicine: Rehab
Year One: Television/Video Production 1 or Television/Video Production 2
Year Two: Television/Video Production 2 or Television/Video Production 3
Year One: Fashion Design & Merchandising 1 and Fashion Design & Merchandising 2
Year Two: Sales and Marketing 1, Sales and Marketing 2, or IB Business and Management SL
Students are responsible for being aware of, and completing, college and university entrance requirements at schools to which they intend to apply.
All IB Career Programme candidates are expected to fully comply with Skyline’s academic honesty policy throughout their time at Skyline. Any violation of the policy, as determined by teaching staff and administrators, could result in an F in a course and/or other school sanctions, including removal from the IB Career Programme course of study.
If you would like a paper version of this form to take notes on before submitting, it can be downloaded/printed HERE.
Language Development
All CP students are required to complete the language development core component and the language portfolio, including those students studying a Diploma Programme (DP) language acquisition course.
Should a student undertake a DP language acquisition course in addition to the minimum requirement of two DP courses for the CP, the language development requirement is satisfied. However, the language portfolio must still be completed to the satisfaction of the school.
The minimum requirement for satisfactory completion of language development is that students have developed their language ability when mapped against the language phases. There is no requirement for students to move from one phase to the next, only that they have evidence of language development in the target language.
The provision of language development is expected to run concurrently with the other elements of the CP core.
Service Learning Hours
All CP students are required to engage in a service learning programme. Completion of service learning is based on student achievement of the five service learning outcomes.
All students are required to maintain and complete a service learning portfolio as evidence of their engagement with service learning throughout the programme and of application of the five stages of service learning. While not formally assessed, the portfolio gives students an opportunity to outline and reflect on their service learning experience. This provides the school with evidence that the student has achieved the five service learning outcomes.
As part of the programme, students engage in three interviews with their service learning coordinator. These formal interviews are documented by the coordinator and the student as further evidence of student achievement of the five outcomes.
- The first interview is at the beginning of the service learning programme.
- The second interview is at the end of the first year of the service learning programme.
- The third interview is at the end of the service learning programme. The provision of service learning is expected to run concurrently with the other components of the CP core.
Reflective Project
The reflective project is one of the four compulsory components of the IB Career-related Programme (CP) core.
The reflective project is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period of time and submitted towards the end of the CP. It is the product of the students’ own initiative and should reflect their personal experience of the CP. The reflective project is intended to promote high-level research, writing and extended communication skills, intellectual discovery and creativity through a variety of different approaches.
Schools are encouraged to help students to recognize and make use of the links between all strands of their CP in order that the reflective project can be a formal representation of their studies overall.
The reflective project focuses on an ethical dilemma of an issue directly linked to the student’s career-related study.
In addition to a written essay (see Options), students keep a record of their reflections on the process of undertaking and completing the reflective project using the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF). This record forms part of the final reflective project assessment.